Do you tend to overeat on Thanksgiving? If you do, you may have noticed that afterwards you felt lethargic and dull. Overeating is a common way to over tax the Agni (digestive fire). We have many Agnis in the body responsible for digestion of foods, drinks as well as thoughts and emotions. Our main digestive fire is called the Jathara Agni which rules over digestion, absorption and assimilation. A balanced Agni also imparts enthusiasm, glow (of complexion), vitality and immunity (Ojas). Feeling unmotivated, sleepy, having indigestion and mental fog are all signs that your Agni is not balanced. Like any fire, Agni needs to be properly kindled or it can burn too low (or in some cases too high). Our Agni can be one of four types:

  • Sama Agni = Balanced

  • Manda Agni = Slow or sluggish

  • Vishama Agni = Irregular

  • Tiksna Agni = Sharp

The holiday season is a time when many of us eat excessive amounts of heavy, rich and hard to digest foods. Combine that with overeating or eating too frequently and your Agni can turn quickly from balanced into sluggish. Good digestion is crucial for good overall health and mood. 95% of Seretonins are produced in the gut by friendly bacteria. (Seretonins stabilize mood and produce feelings of happiness and well-being.) If our digestive system is unhealthy these friendly bacteria can die. Aside from Jathara Agni, we have 12 other types of Agni. If our main Agni is not working properly if effects all the other Agnis, shifting hormones and chemicals in the body. Thus, our immunity and health are directly link to a good Agni.

What Can You Do?

  • Eat only when you are hungry and at regular meal times.

  • Do not over eat.

  • Eat with your full attention on your food.

  • For a slow or irregular Agni drink warm boiled water (boil uncover for 7 minutes) before meals.

  • Take a moment before you eat to give thanks. Appreciate the smell, colors of the food, and give thanks to those who were involved in making it. (Farmers, groceries, cooks, plants and animals, etc.)

  • Takra boosts Agni, drink it 20 minutes before a meal. (Ask me about it.)

  • Favor dosha balancing foods. (Ask me about this too!)

  • Eat full meals and do not snack between meals (unless you have Tiksna Agni). Your body is designed to rest between meals.

  • If you are about to eat a heavy meal, make Lime Ginger Pizza.

    Cut a thin slice of lime removing the skin.
    Cut a thin slice of ginger root and place it on top.
    Sprinkle with a few grains of Himalayan Rock Salt.
    Eat 15 minutes before a meal.
    (Note: not for those with excess heat issues, like acidy.)

Do you need to reboot your Agni? Ask me about my new program beginning in January. I want info on The Balanced Wellness Initiative

Ami Hirschstein