Hot Spiced Milk for Sleep

Getting a goodnight’s sleep is necessary for overall health. Sleep is when your body rests, repair and detoxifies. If you have insomnia, interrupted sleep or insufficient sleep these activities can be compromised. Your body rests, repair and detoxifies. If you have insomnia, interrupted sleep or insufficient sleep these activities can be compromised

Dairy is heavy, grounding and nourishing. It is building for our bodies and helps to settle our nervous system. Certain proteins in dairy have been found to promote sleep. (This is why in western medicine doctors recommend eating dairy before bed. Also, why warm milk was a popular folk remedy for sleeplessness.) In Ayurveda, chronic stress is said to deplete Ojas, our immunity and vitality. Ojas supports our natural cycles, such as sleep.

Which dairy should you use? There are a variety of milks, each for different dosas. Cow’s milk is good for Vata and Pitta. Goat’s milk is good for Pitta and a small amount is okay for Kapha as it is less mucus-forming. Ayurveda even uses sheep and buffalo milk, although I do not know of a source for either.

Non-dairy milks may be substituted, but they will not have the same affect as they lack the proteins found in dairy. Each type of nut and seed has a different effect on the dosas. If you are interested in a vegan alternative, please let me know.

Boiling dairy uncovered for 5 minutes will make it lighter and easier to digest. You can also water down the milk for a lighter affect.

Nutmeg helps to calm the nervous system and is used for insomnia. (Note: Do not increase the dosage of nutmeg as it is not safe in larger dosages.)

Hot Spiced Milk for Sleep

½ cup – 1cup whole milk (If using ½ cup, use ½ cup water)
½ tsp ground nutmeg

Bring the milk to a boil and then reduce heat. Stir in nutmeg. Simmer uncovered for 5 minutes. Sip before bed.

Watch my Yoga Sequence for Insomnia Video

Ami Hirschstein