It has been a cloudy, damp and rainy Winter. Kapha increases in this kind of weather, it generally starts to build in the late Winter. Spring is when Kapha dosha is dominant. Spring is mud season and Kapha, which is a combination of Water & Earth elements, (water + earth = mud) has the qualities of mud. Kapha is heavy, sticky, slow, cold, dense and oily. When these qualities (gunas) are present in the weather, our lifestyle and/or the foods we eat, that increases Kapha in our bodies. Increased Kapha can cause breathing issues, colds, excess mucus, Spring allergies, congestion, stagnancy, lack of motivation, inertia and depression.
The change of seasons (which is happening right now) is the time to shed our excess doshas. Now is the time to shake off any Winter stagnancy. This is the time to make changes in our diet, lifestyle and yoga practice.
(Read more about Kapha and a Spring diet & lifestyle here.)
Spring Yoga
In Kapha season we need a more vigorous, heating and buoyant practice to contrast the natural qualities of Kapha. If Kapha is aggravated, our practice should be a bit challenging. The seat of Kapha is in the lungs and chest, so opening these areas are Kapha balancing.
· Standing poses
· Flowing with your breath and Vinyasa
· Stimulating pranayama like Kapalabhati or Bastrika
· Backbends and heart openers
· Twists
· Sedentary and cooling practices like Yin & Restorative yoga.
Join me in-person or on-line for my Spring Yoga & Ayurveda workshops.