You Are What You Eat

You have heard the adage, “You are what you eat.” If you look at the science of digestion this is true. If your digestion is good, the food you eat turns into nutrients that circulate around your body. This supports the growth of new cells. You need good healthy foods to nourish your body. Ayurveda takes this a step further and tells us that you eat not only food and drink but also all the information you take in. Your five senses are eating and digesting information all the time. Likewise, your emotions need to be digested and assimilated for proper mental health.

Rajanika Tantra philosophy teacher, Douglass Brooks once taught us about the literal meaning of religion. He said the word religion comes from the Greek word, “religos,” which means to “relink.” He went on to say, “Wherever you place your mind the most, that is your religion.”  You may be eating an organic whole-foods diet and then binging on the “junk food” of depressing and violent news. What do you spend your time doing and thinking about? You must process, digest, and assimilate all of it.

What Happens If Digestion Is Not Happening Fully?

If your digestive system is not balanced and food is improperly digested, then Ama forms. Ama are toxins, which can form a sludge in the GI. When Ama is chronic it can move and lodge into weak spaces in your body. Ayurveda considers this the root of all disease. When there is improper digestion, the cells get inferior nourishment and may not thrive as they should. This affects your immunity and vitality. This is why when a client comes to me, we always start with balancing digestion. Ayurveda sees digestion as the seat of health.

What Can You Do?

·       Eat an organic, whole-foods based diet.

·       Eat according to your dosha.

·       Avoid processed foods.

·       Eat mindfully to optimize nourishment.

·       Take media and electronic breaks.

·       Spend some time in nature daily.

·       Meditate and practice self-care daily.

·       Book a session with me to explore all these and more……

Ami Hirschstein