Autumn Tips For Health


The weather in the Hudson Valley has shifted and it is now feeling like Autumn. Fall is Vata season, when we have an increase of air and space elements. The coolness and dryness of Fall can affect us, especially if we have a dominance of Vata dosa already. With this change in seasons there is an increase in fall allergies, colds, upper respiratory infections, arthritic pain and anxiety or depression. Fall is a spectacularly beautiful season. We want to be able to enjoy this radiant time of year without being thrown off balance. Here are some tips to stay healthy as the weather shifts.

Signs of excess Vata
How do we know if Vata is accumulating? Look for these signs:

·       “Rice krispies”: When your joints snap, crackle and pop it’s a sign of excess air. This time of year, the sounds may appear, get more frequent and louder.

·       Constipation: A sign of internal dryness. A healthy bowel movement should be shaped like a ripe banana and should happen daily.

·       Dryness: An increase in overall dryness, like dry skin.

·       Anxiety or restlessness: An overactive mind and a sense of restlessness. This can lead to feeling fatigued as anxiety uses up a lot of energy.

·       Insomnia or sleep difficulties: Difficulty sleeping or waking up feeling tired.


Tips to Pacify Vata
Ayurveda has a saying, “Like increases like and opposites decrease.” Vata is cold, dry, light, rough, subtle and mobile. Avoid foods and drinks that are of these same qualities. Avoid exposure to the wind and cold.

·       Eat warm, well-cooked, moist foods spiced with digestive enlivening herbs.

·       Avoid raw, cold, dry and crunchy foods and drinks.

·       Avoid carbonated beverages.

·       Vata is pacified through routine. Get up, exercise, eat your meals and go to bed at the same time each day.

·       For fall allergies, coat the inside of your nose with sesame oil before you leave the house in the morning. This oil protects allergens from your mucus membrane.

·       Ensure you get a good night sleep by spending time winding down before bed.

·       Keep your body and mind in check with some gentle yoga and walking.

·       Try Nadi Shodana and Goat Stance. See my Youtube videos on these here.

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