Summer Recipes

In Summer we need foods that cool down our bodies without reducing our digestive fire. In Ayurveda, Summertime is Pitta season. With the heat and humidity of summer Pitta can easily become imbalanced. (If you haven’t read my Summer Health Tips blog, please read it first.) Here are some simple recipes that cool the body while aiding in digestion.

Cilantro-Mint Chutney

Increases digestion while cooling summer fire. Cilantro is rich in Vitamins A, C, E & K and calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium. It helps to ease acidity and inflammation in the digestive tract.

Large handful each of fresh cilantro & mint
½ juiced lemon
¼ cup shredded coconut
1 tbs of grated ginger root
dash of Himalayan Pink salt and pepper
1 tps.- 1tbs of maple syrup
¼ cup of water
Blend. Stores in fridge for up to one week.

Zucchini Soup

Zucchinis are light and easy to digest. The slight bitter taste is great for releasing excess heat. This soup doesn’t look great but tastes amazing if the zucchini is fresh and not over-ripe.

2 medium zucchinis cubed
½ small onion chopped
¼ c water
1 tsp olive oil
Himalayan pink salt & Black pepper

Scoop out seeds if they are large, sauté zucchini and onion in oil. Add water and cook. Blend until smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Quinoa Tabouleh

Quinoa is technically not a grain but a flower. It is light and easy to digest. The mint and cucumber in this dish feel cooling. This dish has been a hit at many potlucks. Omit the tomatoes if you have any heat issues. Quinoa contains all the essential amino acids. With the sunflower seeds this is a complete protein and gluten free too!

2 cups quinoa
½ lemon
1 cucumber
1 tomato
1 small handful of fresh mint
1 large handful of fresh parsley
2-4 tbs Olive oil
Himalayan pink salt & black pepper
Optional: sunflower seeds

(Quinoa cooks to a 2:1 ratio, water: quinoa) Add 4 cups of water to the 2 cups of dry quinoa. Bring to a boil with a small pinch of salt. Turn down to a simmer, cover and cook about 20 minutes. Set aside to cool to room temperature. Chop cucumber and tomato. Use a food processer (or finely chop) for the mint and parsley. Mix 2-4tbs of olive oil with juice of ½ lemon. Add a pinch of salt and pepper. Mix with mint-parsley, add to quinoa and stir thoroughly. Add cucumber and tomato after done mixing. Mix lightly so tomatoes stay intact.

Optional: dry roast ½ cup of sunflower seeds and add before cucumber and tomatoes.

Summertime Drinks

Coriander Seed Water

Coriander is the seed from cilantro plant. It's great for digestion and cooling. 

2 tbs of coriander seeds
4.5 cups of water
Soak seeds in water overnight or for a couple of hours. Drain off water for drinking.


Simple Mint Water

Mint is also great for digestion but has a cooling affect.
Place a few sprigs of fresh mint in a glass of water and let sit for an hour. (Or a large handful of mint for a pitcher.)

Aloe Juice

Aloe eases acidity, cools the digestion tract, aids in elimination and clears the skin.
Scoop out the flesh of a 2 inch piece of fresh aloe. Add 1 cup water and blend. Drink within two hours.

Simple Syrup of Indian Sarsaparilla (Sariva)

Sariva or Anata-mula is great for treating conditions of heat and purifying the blood. You can make this syrup to add to water for a cooling summertime drink.

10g of herb
5 cups water
Boil down to half. Add sweetener to taste. Strain & refrigerate after syrup is cooled. Use to flavor water.

Hibiscus Tea 

Hibiscus is cooling and purifies the blood. It makes a refreshing summer drink. You can buy it in teabags or bulk.

Summertime Foods & Excess Heat

Don’t forget Coconut juice, nature’s electrolyte balancer. For a list of Summer Friendly Foods please see my blog Summer Health Tips.

If you have symptoms of excess heat:
Hot flashes
Diarrhea or lose stools
Anger, frustration or irritability
Red discoloration of skin, eyes, etc.
Excessive hunger
Book a private Book a private Ayurvedic Wellness Consultation

Ami Hirschstein