Āma: Toxins In the Body

What is Āma?

When Agni (digestive fire) is unbalanced food is improperly digested forming Āma. These toxins form a sludge clogging up the GI and may move to other areas.  Āma can be a one-time occurrence, such as overeating a rich meal at a Holiday.  However, if the digestive system is habitually weak and food remains inadequately broken down on a regular basis, Āma can become chronic.  Āma causes inflammation.  Ayurveda considers chronic Āma is responsible for all disease.


What are the Causes of Āma?                                                                                               

  • Unclean foods like FLUNC (Frozen, Leftovers, Uncooked, Nuked, and Canned).

  • Processed food, exposure to toxins.

  • Eating too much or too frequently.

  • Eating too little or excessive cleansing.

  • Incompatible foods. Some examples are: Fruit with other foods (like smoothies), meat/fish with dairy, fruit salad, ingesting cooked honey, etc.

  • Excessive or lack of sleep.

  • Intake of food or drink when there are intense emotions.

  • Bathing or swimming after meals.


What are the Signs of Āma?

  • White coating on tongue

  • Gas, bloating & heavy feeling in GI

  • Lethargy

  • Bad taste in mouth and/or lack of taste

  • Mucous

  • Constipation (Not having one full bowel movement daily.)

What Can You Do?

Schedule an appointment to find out:

  • If you have Āma.

  • To learn about an Āma reducing diet and lifestyle.

  • Find the right herbs for you to eliminate Āma.

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Ami Hirschstein