Winter Self-Care Regime

Nature shows you exactly what you need to create balance in each season. In the Fall perennial plants put energy in their roots so they can grow once again in the Spring. It is Autumn when farmers harvest their crops for winter storage. Some animals hibernate in the winter. Here in the Northeast, people go out less in the Winter. Winter is a time to go inward, to rest and regenerate.

Winter’s qualities are cold and dry. Notice how much drier your skin is during winter. In winter you need more energy to keep your body warm. Winter is Vata (air + space) season. Vata is cold, dry, rough, mobile and subtle. “Like increases like and opposites decrease.” -Ayurvedic proverb. This is why Vata can get easily out of balance in the winter. Winter can also have qualities that may aggravate Kapha, especially if it is cold and damp outside.

In winter, digestion is stronger as the cold forces our agni (digestive fire) deep into your body. This is great as you need heavier and larger amounts of foods with more fat and protein to sustain you in the winter.

What to eat:

·       Emphasize warm and cooked foods like soups, stews and teas.

·       Eat root veggies and winter squashes. (Fall storge crops.)

·       Have a variety of cooked grains.

·       This is a great time of year to eat dairy.

·       Make sure you get enough good healthy oils like ghee, sesame oil, nuts, seeds and avocados.

·       If you eat animal protein, winter is the best time for it. If not, make sure you are eating more protein.

·       Use spices in your food to add a little heat. Just to enliven, not to make food spicy. For example: ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, onions, garlic, coriander, cumin, etc.)

·       Drink warm, boiled water with a pinch of powdered ginger instead of cold/room temperature water.

What not to eat:

·       Avoid cold and raw foods and drink.

·       Stay away from frozen and then reheated foods.

·       Reduce or avoid dry and crunchy foods. You can rehydrate dried fruit and nuts instead.

·       Limit bitter leafy greens. Cook them in soups and stews with other vegetables to reduce qualities that increase Vata.


Lifestyle Measures:

·       Make sure you get enough exercise. You need to increase circulation in the cold weather.

·       If you practice yoga, do more heating poses.

·       Cover your head, neck and ears when going outside. Dress warmly. Make sure you go outside for at least 1/2 hour each day.

·       Do Abhyanga/Oil self-massage if you have good digestion.

·       Oil your nose daily. This gives you a protective layer over your mucus membrane.

·       See my Tips for Improving Immunity This Winter for more ideas.

Ami Hirschstein