Tips for Successful Resolutions

Happy New Year! 2023 marks my 26th year of teaching yoga and practicing yoga therapy. When I owned my yoga studio January was always the busiest month. Classes were packed with people who had New Year's resolutions to come to yoga more often. Most of these people were gone by February. In the past 6 years of practicing Ayurveda, I have seen the same thing.

What makes a resolution have lasting power? How do we transform our intentions into habits?

It is marvelous that we have these intentions to better ourselves. This requires we reflect on ourselves, and we have the desire to live life more skillfully. We have the drive to be better versions of ourselves. However, it is easy to get caught up in the business of our daily lives and disconnect from our intentions.

Here are some tips for transforming your intentions into lasting habits:

1) Keep it simple.
If your intention is really broad, or you have multiple intentions, it will be more difficult to follow through.

2) Be Specific.
If you want to be happier in 2023, pick one thing that makes you happy that you can schedule to do on a regular basis.

3) Visualize.
See yourself accomplishing your goal. What would your life be like? How would you feel?

4) Reinvest.
Come back to your intention daily. Put up a reminder note where you can see it. Remember your visualization and how important this resolution is.

5) Schedule it.
It takes a few weeks to make a new activity a habit. Schedule when you are going to work on your goal. Do your goal the same time each day (or day of the week) so you make it part of your internal rhythm. Make it like brushing your teeth before bed.

6) Don't get discouraged.
If you miss a day, don't give up. Just come back to it the next day. There is no need to feel guilty. I doubt your intention is to create more stress in your life. We are human, we make mistakes and life throws us curveballs.

If you are really serious about making lasting shifts in 2023, please join me in:


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Ami Hirschstein