Marma Therapy

What is Marma Therapy? I get this question a lot. Marma Therapy is an ancient Ayurvedic practice developed centuries ago in India. It is essentially Ayurvedic acupressure and energy work. Each Marma point is connected to different energy pathways throughout your body. It is similar to acupuncture, although no needles are used. Instead, a Marma Therapist uses pressure, vibration and herbal oils to open up blocked energy pathways. You can also do Marma on yourself.

A Marma Therapy Session Will Help You:

  • Experience deep relaxation, while creating balance in your body.

  • Unlock patterns of stress and holding so that you can heal.

  • Improve circulation and nourish your body, mind and spirit.

  • Regulate hormones and neurochemicals.

Doctor Lad, who I studied Marma therapy with, states, "Touching a Marma point changes the body's biochemistry and can unfold radical, alchemical changes in one's makeup. Stimulation of these inner pharmacy pathways signals the body to produce exactly what is needs, including hormones and neurochemicals that heal the body, mind and consciousness."

If you have not tried Marma, I have a relaxing at-home practice you can do on yourself. Please see my video: Marma Therapy "Facial"  Please note: It is called a facial as all the points are on the face. While it does increase circulation in your face giving it a healthy glow, it also reduces stress all over your body. Please try it and tell me if you would like more Marma videos.

Here is what one of my Marma clients said about our sessions:

 “Recently, I tried Ami's Marma treatment. The timing could not have been more fortuitous. With recent loss of employment, a home sale pending and other emotional upheavals, it seemed it could be a flicker of hope to combat physical, emotional and spiritual upheaval. I did not expect all that I received from Ami and Marma. 

What initially felt relaxing, turned out to be uplifting, positive, healing, grounding, centering and yes, relaxing. On my return home, people asked what had happened to me while I was out; I looked younger, felt more at ease, and actually looked happier! I can't convey exactly what happens with Marma (that is for Ami,) but she is a healer through and through, and the Marma healing modality she employs is deep, therapeutic, wonderfulness. And the second treatment was even better.” -P.T.

Book a Marma Session


Ami Hirschstein