Why One-Size Does Not Fit All

As a petite person, I have always been skeptical of clothing marked, “One-Size Fits All.” These clothes generally make me look like I am being swallowed by sheets. One-Size definitely does not fit all. The same goes for diets and medical treatments. Why does one treatment work well for some and not for others? This is because we are not blueprints of each other; we are all different. What one person needs to create balance and thrive may be different than what another person needs. And this changes depending on where we live and our stage of life.

Ayurveda, the ancient natural healing system of India, looks at each person individually. There is not a “one-size fits all” approach. This is why there is not one standard treatment for a particular illness. People often ask me, “What should I take for this…..” My answer is one commonly heard in Ayurveda, “It depends……” In Ayurveda we look at the five elements and the three dosas to understand how these interplay in each person. Only then, can we give an appropriate and personalized treatment.  

As an Ayurvedic Practitioner, another thing I hear a lot is, “Should I take this…. herb?” All herbs have different qualities. Ayurveda looks at all of them: taste, elemental qualities, action, post-digestive effect, and special properties. For example, Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic herb that has become popular in the West. It is great for anxiety, depression and increasing energy. However, Ashwagandha is incredibly heating. It can easily create an imbalance of fire if you are a Pitta or have Pitta issues. I have had several clients who have come to me for consultations who were taking Ashwagandha, creating excess heat and other issues. For these people I recommended herbs that have similar effects but are cooling.

Illnesses with Different Imbalances

Ayurveda does not just look at one condition and treat it. There are different “flavors” of the illness. Practitioners look for a wide variety of symptoms. For example, Vata-type, Pitta-type, Kapha-type, Vata-Pitta-type, Vata-Kapha type, Pitta-Kapha type and V-P-K types of fevers each have different qualities.

A Shift in Our View

As Westerners, we have the Western view of healing. If you have X, take Y. We often translate the Western modern medical approach to Holistic healing as well.  It is a paradigm shift to think in the Eastern way of healing. One herb is not a good remedy for all. One lifestyle or diet is not appropriate for all. An individualized approach treats not only symptoms but addresses the root cause. True healing happens when we treat the whole person and not just the symptom.

Are you interested in individualized attention? Do you want to understand how the dosas and elements affect your health? Book a Session

Ami Hirschstein