Medicinal Turmeric Milk

Recently I received a reminder of the medicinal properties of Turmeric Milk. My son, who prior to COVID, never got sick, came down with seven nasty colds in the last few months. I managed to escape five of them. Then, last month I got hit hard. Of course, I had used up all my cold treatment herbs on my son. I had also decided I wouldn’t order anymore because it was Spring. The cold went away but I was left with a really dry and persistent cough. It was asthma-like, with my lungs spasming. Had I been my client, I would have treated the cough like asthma right away. (I am my worst patient.) I felt a radical difference in my lungs as soon as I started drinking Turmeric Milk and treating my lungs externally with medicated oil.  

Turmeric Milk is used to treat Vata-type Asthma and COPD (dry coughs). It is also used post-surgery to increase healing and pacify Vata. Turmeric is one of the best anti-inflammatory herbs. It also purifies the blood, liver and skin. Turmeric clears out stagnation, reduces pain, is antibacterial and antifungal. It also enkindles agni, digestive fire.

You can adapt this to be dairy free, although it won’t have the same medicinal effects; dairy is one of the best ways to pacify Vata. Dairy free Turmeric milk is great if you have any Kapha issues. If you are doing a dairy free version, I recommend making your own nut milk. Email me if you want a simple nut-milk recipe.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) -Known as Haridra in Ayurveda
Rasa/Taste: Pungent, bitter & astringent
Guna/Quality: Dry, light
Virya/Action: Heating
Vipaka/Post-digestive effect: Pungent
Dosa Effect: Tridosic in moderation

Medicinal Turmeric Milk
1Tbs. Ghee   (Email me if you want a vegan version.)                          
1 cup fresh Turmeric root ground into a paste
1 cup fresh Ginger root ground into a paste    
3-5 whole cloves             
3-5 pods of crushed Cardamom
½ tsp. Ajwain (Ajamoda) seeds -Can get online or at an Indian grocery store.
¼ tsp Cinnamon powder
2 cups Whole Milk (cow/goat) -Can use less and increase water. I do 1.5 cups
1 cup Water
Honey -quantity to your taste
Optional: 1 Tbs. Nuts ground into a powder

Make a paste with turmeric and ginger roots and a bit of water. Melt the ghee on low heat. Add cardamom, cloves and ajwain seeds to the ghee. Cook on until you smell them. Add turmeric and ginger paste and sauté for 2 mins or until the paste has amalgamated with the ghee. Add cinnamon powder, stir for one min. Add milk and water and bring to a boil, then lower heat and allow to simmer for 10 mins. Remove from heat and allow the milk to cool to luke warm. Add honey to taste. Give it a good stir before serving. (You can remove the whole cloves and cardamom.)

Ami Hirschstein