A Better Night's Rest: How to Get Better Sleep

Many years ago, I had insomnia for a few months due to a hormonal imbalance caused by Lyme Disease. During that time, my brain could not function normally and all I craved was a good night’s rest. My whole day became centered around this elusive goal. It was a torturous time and it gave me great compassion for people with sleep disorders. This is why I studied hormonal imbalances and sleep disturbances while I was in Ayurveda school.

It was through Ayurveda that I balanced my hormones and was able to sleep normally again. Sleep is when your body rests, repair and detoxifies. If you have insomnia, interrupted sleep, or insufficient sleep these activities can be compromised.  Your body needs somewhere between 7-8 hours of healthy sleep nightly.  Studies show that if you get less than six hours of sleep it can adversely affect the activity of the genes in your body. Sleep deficiency is linked to many chronic health problems, including heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, obesity, and depression.

Getting a good night’s sleep also pacifies Vata dosha (air + space). Ironically, aggravated Vata is often the cause of sleep disturbances. When Vata is aggravated, your mind and your nervous system get over-active. Vata rules over your whole nervous system. The Parasympathetic Nervous System, also known as “Rest and Digest,” cannot turn on if the Sympathetic Nervous System is active. These systems operate like a light switch; only one can be on at a time. Many of us are caught in “Fight, Freeze or Flight,” the Sympathetic NS, which in Ayurveda is excess Vata.  When Vata gets aggravated, it becomes like a fan, spinning faster and faster. You need to flip the switch to shut off that fan. However, the fan will keep spinning as it takes time to slow down and finally stop. This is why a wind-down routine before bed will help you get better rest.


  • Pacify Vata.

  • Go to bed before 10pm.

  • Avoid screen time 2 hours before bed.

  • Do not eat 3 hours before bed.

  • Eat a light dinner.

 (If your body is busy digesting it will not have the energy to properly sedate.)

  • Spend at least 20-60 minutes winding down before bed.



If you wake up and cannot fall back asleep, try my yoga sequence for insomnia. It is a practice that helps your brain and nervous system settle. Email me and I will send you a link to the video.


Ami Hirschstein