Fall Recipes

Fall in the Hudson Valley is upon us. Understand which foods you should favor and which foods to avoid in the Fall. Optimize your health through following Ayurveda’s season dietary guidelines. Here are some Fall recipes that are simple to make, nutritious and delicious.

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Ami Hirschstein
Why Cleanse?

Have you been feeling off or lethargic? Is your digestion sluggish? Would you like better mental health? Are you under a lot of stress? Does your immune system need strengthening?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, an Ayurvedic cleanse can help.  Ayurvedic cleanses help renew your body, mind, and immunity by strengthening your digestion, eliminating toxins and excess doshas.

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Ami Hirschstein
Heading to the End of Summer

Are you feeling excess heat? How about dryness? The prolonged heat of the Summer can act like an oven, drying your body out. The science of Ayurveda gives us the ancient wisdom to balance your health throughout the changing of the seasons.

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Ami Hirschstein
Summer Recipes (Reprint)

In Summer we need foods that cool down our bodies without reducing our digestive fire. In Ayurveda, Summertime is Pitta season. With the heat and humidity of summer Pitta can easily become imbalanced. Here are some simple recipes that cool the body while aiding in digestion.

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Ami Hirschstein
You Are What You Eat

Do you want tips on a healthier lifestyle and diet? You are what you eat. The food you eat turns into nutrients that circulate around your body which support the growth of new cells. Ayurveda takes this a step further and tells us that you eat not only food and drink but also all the information you take in. Like the food you eat, your five senses and emotions need to be digested and assimilated.

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Ami Hirschstein
Stinging Nettle: A Great Spring Tonic

Stinging Nettles make a great Spring Tonic. This medicinal herb is used throughout the world for reducing inflammation, detoxifying the body and for Spring allergy relief. This superfood is full of antioxidants and minerals. Ayurvedic medicine uses it to nourish and rejuvenate.

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Ami Hirschstein
Spring Recipes (Reprint)

Recipes for Spring to stay balanced and healthy. These vegetarian recipes are based in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of natural medicine. These recipes include Mung Soup, Celery Soup, Mixed Vegetable Bhaji and Millet, Asparagus and Tofu (or Pumfu) Casserole.

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Ami Hirschstein

Your yoga practice should change with the seasons. Shake off Winter stagnancy and detoxify with Spring Yoga. Understand which poses and practices will help you stay healthy and balanced in Spring.

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Ami Hirschstein
Light and Easy to Digest Soups

Digestion is crucial for good health. There are many ways to improve Agni, the fire of digestion and clean out toxins. These light and easy to digest soups are a great way to give your digestive system a rest and improve Agni. These healthy recipes are quick and easy to make.

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Ami Hirschstein
The Heart in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda and Yoga, the heart, not the mind is considered the seat of intelligence and wisdom. The heart is also known as the energetic center of the body where different physical, mental and energetic pathways converge.

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Ami Hirschstein
Balancing the Energies of the Sun and Moon

Are you looking for balance? Do you have low energy? Do you need to reduce stress? Balance is essential to true health and wellness. Most of us spend our lives seeking balance. Both Yoga & Ayurveda have the concept of balancing out the energies of the Sun and the Moon. Find out how to cultivate increased vitality and relaxation.

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Ami Hirschstein