Fall Recipes

Fall in the Hudson Valley is upon us. Understand which foods you should favor and which foods to avoid in the Fall. Optimize your health through following Ayurveda’s season dietary guidelines. Here are some Fall recipes that are simple to make, nutritious and delicious.

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Ami Hirschstein
The Ayurvedic Clock and Circadian Medicine

Recently there has been a lot of medical research and articles about Circadian Medicine. In fact, in 2017, the Nobel Prize was awarded to scientists studying circadian rhythms in relationship to health. Once again, modern medicine is “discovering” what traditional medicine has known for a long time. Ayurveda has been working with Circadian Medicine for thousands of years. When I introduce the Ayurvedic Clock to clients or students I always get the same reaction, “That makes so much sense.” Ayurveda is ancient wisdom applicable to modern times.

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Āma: Toxins In the Body

When Agni (digestive fire) is unbalanced food is improperly digested forming Āma. These toxins form a sludge clogging up the GI and may move to other areas. Ayurveda considers chronic Āma the root of all disease.

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Ami Hirschstein
Summer Recipes

In Summer we need foods that cool down our bodies without reducing our digestive fire. In Ayurveda, Summertime is Pitta season. With the heat and humidity of summer Pitta can easily become imbalanced. Here are some simple recipes that cool the body while aiding in digestion.

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Ami Hirschstein